Saffron is particularly special for us; its magical scent along with its unique flavour inspires us each day and reveals a world of possibility in the kitchen.
We invite all brave souls who are keen to share their culinary secrets! If you have something delicious on your mind, don't hesitate to share it at [email protected] Let's show our appreciation for all those incredible cultures who dedicate their time and effort towards tantalising taste buds!
For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ...

Frequently Asked Questions
How can you tell organic food from non-organic?
Fresh ingredients are essential for any chef. This is because eating well makes us feel better.
This is true for food as well. Organics can be traced back to their source and whereabouts. We also know it was not treated using harmful chemicals.
Organic food does not contain synthetic pesticides, fertilers, hormones or antibiotics. These substances aren't permitted for organic farmers.
Growing organic crops is an art. You have many options to safely grow them.
Many people refer to organic agriculture as sustainable agriculture. It is a less resource-intensive alternative to conventional farming, but still provides enough nutrients to sustain life.
Crop rotation, crop rotation, cover cropping and composting manure are all organic farming methods. These techniques help prevent soil erosion and improve water quality.
They reduce chemical runoff from waterways. Many of us live in urban areas so we have access to local farms that produce organic produce.
There are two types for organic products certification. The USDA National Organic Program certifies the one while the independent certifying agency certifies the other. Both require strict adherence to organic standards.
USDA seals, or O Seals, may be attached to certified organic products. These symbols indicate that the product meets federal requirements.
Organic foods are better for us.
The Environmental Working Group's most recent report on pesticide residues found in food shows that organic fruits and veggies had almost half the pesticide content of non-organic. Organic strawberries contained four times more pesticides that their conventional counterparts, and organic apples contained eight percent less.
Some studies also suggest that eating organic food helps reduce your exposure to toxic metals, such as mercury and lead. For instance, one study showed that children who consumed organic meat had 33% less blood lead levels than children who did not. Another study concluded traditional fish should not be consumed by pregnant women, due to high mercury levels.
Organic food appears to be more safe than non-organic. Experts recommend eating fresh fruits and veggies whenever possible to reduce the chance of developing cancer.
How can I tell if my produce has been certified organic?
These three labels are essential if you want to be certain that you are purchasing organic produce.
USDA Organic Certified - Produce certified by the USDA as being 100% organic.
Certified Naturally Grown: Produce that has been grown in accordance with organic practices, but has yet to receive certification from USDA.
Pastured/Free Range - Produce from animals who live outdoors and graze freely on grass and herbs.
These labels are used to indicate that the product meets specified criteria.
- No synthetic pesticides and fertilizers
- No genetically modified organisms
- Animals are never given antibiotics
- The animal is never given any hormones
- No growth-promoting drug
- No feed additives
- No artificial ingredients
- No irradiation
- There is no sewage sludge
- No GMOs
- There have never been any antibiotics given.
- No hormones ever given
- There are no growth-promoting drugs
- No feed additives
- No artificial ingredients
- No sewage waste (if it's non-GMO).
- No irradiation
I hope this article has been helpful.
What are my top priorities when buying organic products
USDA-certified organic labels should be sought. This guarantees that the product meets certain USDA standards. On packages, boxes, cartons or cans, look out for the USDA Organic seal.
When you shop for meat, ensure that it comes from cows who are fed organic feed. Cattle are ruminants. They eat the whole animal. Ruminant cattle have 4 stomach compartments: Rumen, reticulum and omasum. If a cow is to be labeled organically, all parts must be organically fed.
Buy chicken from only organic chickens that have been fed 100% organic food and are not given antibiotics. Chickens are omnivores. This means they can eat both plant and animal food. Omnivorous chickens have a digestive tract composed of a crop, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.
Buy only dairy products from cows that have been fed organically grown feed. Just like ruminants have four stomachs, dairy cows have four. The fourth stomach compartment--the cow's udder--is where milk is produced.
You should always check the label before purchasing any other livestock. This will let you know what percentage of the diet was given to the animals. A label for pork might say "95% organic", which means that 95% of the feed used by the pork came from organic sources.
What are organic fruits and vegetables?
Organic food is free from pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and hormones. They contain more nutrients such vitamins A, C. E, and, in some cases, omega-3 oils. These healthy ingredients make organic food better for our bodies and the planet.
Organic foods are produced with sustainable farming practices that promote soil quality and biological diversity. They are free from harmful chemicals, radiation, and sewage sludge.
While most consumers associate organics with produce, many organic products include dairy, meat, poultry, eggs, baked goods, personal care items, pet food, and household cleaning supplies.
The USDA defines organic as crops that are grown according to federal standards. Farmers cannot use conventional (non-organic) methods to grow these foods. However, they may use approved natural pest control methods, such as crop rotation and cover cropping, and animal feed made from organic materials.
A farmer must also adhere to guidelines about how much fertilizer or pesticide he applies during the growing season. Also, he must rotate his fields between different crops. GMOs, artificial growthhormones, synthetic insecticides, and synthetic fertilizers cannot be used by farmers.
All the above requirements are met by vegetables and fruits that are labeled "100% Organic". But, not all farms label their produce as 100% organic. It would confuse consumers. Instead, they will label the product as "made from organic ingredients". "
What are organic foods?
Organic produce is grown without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, genetic engineering, or confinement feeding. There is no use of growth hormones and no animal testing. These crops can naturally grow, so no chemicals are used by farmers to combat pests or weeds.
Organic farming practices also maintain soil quality by reducing erosion and conserving water resources. Organics have more nutrients than traditional food, which makes them better for our health. Organic products are typically higher in fiber and lower in fat and calories than conventionally produced ones.
What are the benefits of organic products for skin?
Organic skincare products contain no synthetic chemicals, including parabens. Phthalates, mineral oil. Petroleum jelly. Propylene glycol. sodium lauryl.sulphate. Talc. triclosan. Titanium dioxide. triethanolamine. vitamin A palmitate.
Organic skincare products can be free of artificial colours and fragrances as well as preservatives, emulsifiers GMOs, Petrochemicals, animal testing (except for cosmetics tested on animals), pesticides hormones, antibiotics, heavy metallics and other contaminants.
They can also be used to maintain healthy skin, protect against premature aging, promote healing from injuries, and improve overall well-being.
These are some of the terms that you will see when you shop for organic products
- Paraben Free - these are a group of chemicals used to keep certain cosmetic products stable, but they can be toxic if consumed in large quantities.
- Fragrance-Free - the product does not have added fragrance or essential oils.
- Cruelty-Free - No animals were harmed during the manufacturing process.
- Natural Ingredients - The ingredient is derived naturally from the animal or plant.
- Vegetarian/Vegetarian - All ingredients are vegan or vegetarian.
- Gluten-Free means that the formulation was free of gluten.
- Non-Toxic-The product doesn't contain any toxic chemicals, carcinogens, and/or other harmful substances that could be harmful to your health.
- Biodegradable product - when thrown out, the product will disintegrate into harmless components.
- Pesticide Free - No pesticides were used during the growing or harvesting processes.
- GMO-Free refers to the fact that no ingredients in the product contain genetically modified organisms.
- Certified Organic refers to ingredients that were grown using methods that protect soil, water, air, wildlife and farmers.
- Once certified by the USDA, it can fall into one of four categories: "100 percent organic", "organic," "made with organic ingredients," or "made with less than 70 percent organic ingredients. (
- As for organic meat, regulations require that animals be raised in living conditions that accommodate their natural behaviours (like the ability to graze on pasture), fed 100% organic feed and forage, and not administered antibiotics or hormones. (
- To provide the highest quality products and services to every customer, with a dedicated workforce that puts the customer first and takes the extra step to achieve 100% customer satisfaction and loyalty. (
- Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids were up to 50 percent higher in organic meats and milk than in conventionally raised products.[3] (
External Links
- Occupational Pesticide Exposures and the Cancer Risk: A Review. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part. B. Vol 15, Issue 4.
- Genetically modified food: safety, risk and public concerns - a review - Journal of Food Science and Technology
- PubMed Assessment of the micronutrient compositions of plant foods from conventional and organic agriculture methods.
- Comparison of the total and ascorbic Acid content of freeze-dried and frozen-dried marionberry, strawberries, and corn grown according to conventional, organic, and sustainable agriculture practices - PubMed
How To
What happens to the body when you switch over to organic products
Organic products do not contain synthetic fertilizers or hormones. They come from clean water sources, and are raised on free-range animals. The term "organic" means they do not contain any chemicals or additives. This product was produced by nature and therefore contains no harmful substances.
Natural refers to the way food was grown. It's used to describe foods that have not been altered into their final form (e.g. fruits). Natural foods are often more fresh than others, because they haven’t been processed with heat, radiation or chemical preservations. Some people don't believe that natural means healthy. Many experts say there isn't much difference between conventional and organic foods. Both types are tested for safety as well as quality. Organic produce is safer than conventionally produced produce.
In general, most grocery stores now offer organic options. If you are looking for organic meat, poultry and eggs, check with your local grocery store. Some companies only sell organic products. Others have separate sections. USDA Certified Organic and Non-GMO Project Verified are some of the options.
You should avoid eating these items if you are pregnant or nursing. Pesticides are known to affect unborn babies and infants.
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